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Bluehost Web Hosting Offer Starting 239 INR/month

Bluehost is a trusted and popular website hosting service provider. Bluehost offer different hosting plans for users, three main basic hosting plans are Standard, Business and Pro. You will get different feature in all three plans. Let me give you a quick overview of all three plans of Bluehost.

Bluehost Webhosting Plans:

Bluehost Webhosting Plans get website hosted with bluehost


In standard plan you can only host single domain but gives you unlimited disk space, unlimited data transfer, unlimited email accounts and many other basic features too. This plan will work for you if you are managing only a single domain but if you have more than one domain then you should try out other plans to get all your domains hosted in single hosting.


Business plan allow you to host maximum 3 domains with unlimited disk space, unlimited data transfer, unlimited email accounts and with more security assurance. All hosting plans include one click CMS installation and 24*7 customer support.



Pro plan allow you to host unlimited websites under a single hosting account. And pro plan provide the access to more advanced features of web hosting. Advanced features help you to make your website more secure, optimized, better performance and high performance server.

cms support in bluehost webhosting plansBluehost allow you to install all top CMSs just in one click.

Get your website hosted just for 239 INR/month:

Bluehost is offering unlimited disk space, unlimited transfer and unlimited e-mail accounts. This is the best offer for you to get your website hosted for only 239/month with all key features that most of the hosting companies provide in their top hosting plans.
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